Editorial Design for CONSIDER THE LOBSTER

I read the essay Consider the Lobster by David Foster Wallace and I typeseted the essay in two forms. The first is to be completely functional and legible, and the other to be more expressive. With each book, I consider my interpretation of the text when setting my text (ie typeface, size, format, margins, etc). Both books are required to be text-only. Both books are required to include the footnotes, covers, colophons, headers, and folios.

For the first book, I made legibility and function my main concern and emphasise the text and let the language take center stage. I was required to use only one typeface and one color. The size of the first book is 5 x 5 inches.

Below is the design of the first book:

For the second book, expression and tone are my main concerns. I set the type less concerned about legibility. The structure of the text and footnotes relate the the essay in a more visceral way. I also conveyed the original premise and tone the author intended without being able to read it. In this way, I decided to make every footnote to be in different styles but still in the similar format. I applied multiple typefaces and two colors. The size of the second book is 5.5 x 8 inches.

Below is the design of the second book: